Relevant, trackable data to drive improvements year after year.
Research Driven and Impactful Board Reviews & Peer Assessments
Board surveys are one of many tools within a systematic practice of improving effective Board governance. But it is not the only tool. Board Directors want to understand collective performance and contribution, but many struggle with the scope, scale, and frequency of meaningful assessments.
Don’t waste valuable time and resources on an annual check-the-box exercise. A well-designed assessment provides an accurate, credible view of how well a Board is functioning and will help build a more effective Board.
Intersect International’s Board Analytics Survey provides a rigorous, validated, easy-to-use tool with action-oriented reports. We have core, customized quantitative and qualitative assessments that have been recognized as best practice.
We believe that:
✓ Boards should regularly gather data to determine if they are focused on the right work and aligned on the level of value-added engagement in key areas.
✓ A broad range of survey issues should be examined, topics that move well beyond issues of compliance, reflecting contemporary governance practice as well as the role and nature of a Board and the organization.
✓ Management should participate in the determination of alignment and gaps between management and the Board.
✓Board leadership owns and is accountable for the Board review process. And as such:
✓Board commitment to act on improvements and monitor annual improvements is key.